Hiding Folders from Your Team in the Online Library

Hiding Folders from Your Team in the Online Library

dotScribe gives you the option to hide or show your folders to your shared team in the online library. 

Steps to Hide Folders from Your Team

  1. Accessing the Online Library:

  2. Selecting the Folder to Hide:

    • Click on the library folder drop-down arrow to view your folders.
    • Click the three dots to the right of the folder you wish to hide from your team.
  3. Hiding the Folder:

    • In the folder options menu, select the "Hide Folder" function.
    • This action will prevent members of your team from viewing the content in their online library.

Difference Between "Hide" and "Set Inactive"

  • Hide Function:

    • The "Hide" function prevents team members from viewing the selected folder in their online library.
  • Set Inactive Function:

    • The "Set Inactive" function prevents the folder from appearing in the results of the dotScribe suggestion window.
    • This is useful for keeping the folder out of active use without removing it from your library.

Best Practices

  • Use Hide for Privacy: Use the "Hide" function to maintain privacy over certain folders while still retaining access for yourself.
  • Set Inactive for Unused Folders: Use the "Set Inactive" function for folders that are not currently needed in suggestions but may be used in the future. 


  • Visibility Issues: If dotScribe suggestions are not appearing as expected, check whether the folder is set to "Hide" or "Set Inactive."
  • Access Permissions: Ensure you have managing permissions to change folder settings in the online library in your settings.

We hope this article answered your question and helped you learn more about using dotScribe. Return to our help center for more knowledge base articles and start saving time with dotScribe today.

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