Do I need to remember the names of my dotphrases?
dotScribe helps you find and use your dotPhrases efficiently without needing to remember their exact names. Si start typing what you need without spaces. Hitting the space bar resets the suggestion window. For a more refined search, try using the ...
Can I edit dotScribe's templates?
Easily edit dotScribe templates and save them to your personal library for personalized use. Access the Online Library: Open your browser and go to library.dotscribe.com. Log in to your dotScribe account. Navigate to the dotScribe Library: Click on ...
Does dotScribe include 3rd party memberships to open Rapid Links?
Accessing Medical Resources with Rapid Links Rapid Links Overview: With dotScribe, you can quickly access some of the best medical resources on the web using Rapid Links. Rapid Links allow you to navigate to specific websites with just a few ...
dotScribe Does Not Work After Mac Install - No Suggestions or Executed Phrases
If dotScribe is not providing suggestions or executing phrases after installation on a Mac, follow these steps to resolve the issue. Common Issue: Accessibility Access Granting Accessibility Access: This issue is most commonly due to not granting ...
I have a Mac at home and Windows at work - can I still use dotScribe?
You can sign into dotScribe on multiple computers, and it is compatible with both Mac and Windows systems. Here’s how to install and run dotScribe, including instructions for using it from a USB drive. Using dotScribe on Multiple Computers ...
Can I use dotScribe if I have no permissions and can't install on my work computer?
If you have limited permissions and cannot install software on your work computer, you can still use dotScribe. Follow these steps to use the latest portable/USB version of dotScribe. Signing Up for dotScribe Creating an Account: If you do not have ...
Creating Phrases with Text and Web Links in dotScribe
Create phrases that include web links and ensure they paste correctly. Opening Links with dotScribe Link Requirement: Making a template in dotScribe with a link as the content will open that link into a new browser window when that template is ...
How many users can I add to my account?
Currently dotScribe users are able to add members to their team, with an upper limit of 100 users. We hope this article answered your question and helped you learn more about using dotScribe. Visit our help center for more helpful knowledge base ...
How do I reset the desktop suggestions?
If you notice an error with your dotScribe suggestions, you can reset the suggestions window using several simple methods. Methods to Reset Suggestions Using Non-Character Keys: Press the spacebar, enter, or any other non-character key (excluding ...
Will the autocomplete still work if I am terrible at spelling?
Yes - dotScribe's proprietary search algorithm is designed to work even if your spelling is not perfect. How Autocomplete Handles Spelling Errors No Exact Match Needed: dotScribe's autocomplete does not require an exact match to find your term. It is ...